Rotary Drum Dryers,Sawdust Burners,Wood Pelleting,Wood Shavings
Rotary Drum Dryers and Sawdust Burners
Energy Unlimited Inc can provide a rotary drum dryer for just about any industrial drying
application. We can provide triple pass or single pass drum dryer design with natural gas
burners or one of our biomass fired sawdust burners. We have been installing dryers for more
than 15 years and have the knowledge and experience required to provide a cost effective
drying solution that not only works but works well.
We can offer new or used rotary drum dryers for wood shavings, alfalfa dehydration, pulp and
paper, bakery waste, PVC resin, and sawdust for wood pelleting and the plastic lumber industry
just to name a few applications.
Used dryers can be refurbished at our site. We can and have done everything from a simple re
insulate and skin to complete replacement of expansion rings and internal sections. We can also
provide ancillary equipment for your drying needs. From conveyors to hoppers and also storage
and in feed equipment Energy Unlimited Inc can provide all the necessary equipment for a
complete install, and don't forget about dust control. All of our jobs pass EPA permitting . We
work closely with environmental engineers to ensure legal operating conditions.
We set up our drying systems "negative air" what that means is that the product does not travel
through the fan blade as it is sucked through the dryer. It requires a little more ductwork but
you don't have to worry about changing the fan blade and the abuse your product takes going
through the fan.
Unloading Dryer At Woodpelleting PLant
Installed New Dryer at Wood Pelet Facility
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